Learn from github: How to work under constant surveillance.
Around 2007 a lot changed in Web Development, with new new tools like Coda & VersionsApp file “committing” & “versioning” became a more normal thing that was something only bigger tech companies used to do. GIT was already around but at least for the crew around me not really something to use. At least that was what i experienced.
All these things changed something in the way we worked these days: Every day started with a check out & the run for the best commit began. At the end of the day you wanted that social approval that you committed something worthy. And the worst was when you got up in the morning, checked out that project and somebody brought it to the next level during the night. Arghh. Why the hell did i go to bed? It looked like the ones still working had the best time of their lives. It was the time when you were playing video games and your friends were solving that riddle your were trying to beat all day after you left because your mom told you to be home early.
But on the end Github changed something on a bigger scale. This was just the beginning. It brought a new way of thinking. A project where what you contribute was visual to everybody involved. And the projects happened pretty much in real time. There is no hiding behind a mysterious sketch/note book where you mysteriously pull out the one solution. If your idea (code) was bad, somebody either rewrote or commented on it. And that transparent process is something we can still learn from in the year 2019.
To adapt that system in creative, organisation or strategic processes could be a major benefit. What should you try:
Switch from local keynotes/powerpoints to cloud based versions
Save (non sensitive) data in a cloud version (“cloud” could also mean a file on a server that is accessible for the team)
Work in a ticket system. But not in the way that a leader created tickets and distributes them but make the team create and distribute task themselves.
Commit your thoughts/ files to a shared infrastructure and comment and explain your update.
track task transparent in the tool to make it easy to support each other and define clear responsibilities & roles. At the same time this will make it easier for the team to support each other and balance workloads.
Git themselves took their concept even further: no offices. Why do they need one? They implemented a culture where physical intercourse #monthypythonvoice was not needed anymore. They build the tool that is enabling the team. Who obviously sucks has no place in that culture.
Culture. As we are living in an environment that still incorporates human beings and most of the work we create is there to serve humans meeting f2f is still something important. No emoji can beat a smile at work.
Don’t get lost in the last commit of the day and the first check out in the morning ;)